

What are the specific needs that triggered this project?

  • Shortages of skills and skill mismatches in the 5 EU countries (Lithuania, France, Italy, Germany and Poland) and 6 non-EU countries (North Macedonia, Turkiye, Ukraine, UK, Norway, Ethiopia) important for development of sustainable workforce migration.
  • The need to strengthen regularity and labour market relevance of the current migration pathways in order to cope with irregular migration and it’s negative implications for migrant workers and societies of the origin and destination countries.
  • The need of know-how on skill matching, skill formation for the integration of migrant workers for the design of policy solutions and skill formation practices.
  • The need of capacity building of the policy makers and social partners in the fields of skill matching and skill formation of migrant workers, which is important for development of sustainable skill formation partnerships between the origin and destination countries.

What is expected to be generated by the end of the project?

  • Research-based factual and methodical knowledge on the skill shortages and mismatches in the destination and origin countries, as well as insights on the potential of skill formation and qualifications systems to tackle these issues.
  • Research-based know-how on the alternatives of migration in solving the skill shortages in the destination countries (EU).
  • Knowledge on the migrant worker perspective on the approaches to skill formation, migration patterns and participation.
  • Toolkit for policy makers and stakeholders of skill formation and migration policies on development of sustainable and fair pat ways of skill formation and migration.

Who will use or further up-take the results of the project? Who will benefit from the results of the project?

  • Policy makers working in the fields of employment, skill formation and migration policies will use the research findings for informing policy decisions.
  • Education and training, skill formation institutions will use the research findings for improvement of these processes.
  • Policy makers, education and training institutions and social partners will use the toolkit for skill partnerships for the establishment and development of mutually beneficial partnerships and projects in the fields of investment in skill formation, matching of skill supply to labour market needs, development of safe pathways of skilled migration, enhancing re-emigration and reintegration of returned migrants in the origin countries.

What change is expected to see after successful dissemination and exploitation of project results to the target group(s)?

  • Active multidisciplinary discussions of researchers in the different countries on the relationships between skill matching, skill formation and migration.
  • More active engagement of the social partners in the different policy initiatives and activities related to skill matching and migration.
  • Development, adjustment and usage of concrete tools of skill matching, education and training, qualifications and employment for the safe and sustainable integration and migrant workers and re-emigrants in the destination and origin countries.


What are the expected wider scientific, economic and societal effects of the project contributing to the expected impacts outlined in the respective destination in the work programme?

  • Improved matching of skills in the labour markets of the origin and destination countries.
  • Effective and better informed policy solutions in the fields of skill matching, employment and migration.
  • Spread of mutually beneficial, safe and sustainable patterns of migration without significant damage for the economic, social and cultural development of the origin and destination countries.
  • Important positive effects of the skill formation and migration instruments for the reconstruction and development of the partners countries afflicted by the wars, conflicts and disasters (Ukraine, Ethiopia. Turkiye).
  • Reducing negative implications of the EU integration for sustaining of skilled workforce in the new member states.


Project implementation period: 01.11.2023 – 31.10.2026

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